
Morocco total 2018 Brochure Expo

Excerpt from HM King Mohammed VI's address to the nation on the occasion of the 33rd Anniversary of the Green March (November 6, 2008)

<< ´ (…) Aussi avons-nous décidé, avec l’aide de Dieu, d’amorcer une nouvelle phase 
dans le processus continu des reformes globales que Nous conduisons, en lançant la 
dynamique d’une régionalisation avancée et graduelle, englobant toutes les régions du 
Maroc, avec, à leur tête, la région du Sahara marocain. (…) >>
Advanced regionalization

Regionalization Act

In full synergy with the national strategy that aims to make Morocco one


    The 1959 Dahir, which divided the area into 16 provinces and two prefectures, before being supplemented by the 1960 Dahir on the organization and creation of urban and rural municipalities. The 1962 Constitution, in turn, enshrines this orientation in territorial management by giving the provinces, prefectures and municipalities the right to qualify as local authorities.The Dahir of 1971, in which this new administrative entity was defined as an economic framework for the implementation of works and studies related to the development of the various territorial areas. According to this text, it is divided into seven regions with the mission of achieving sustainable development and reducing inequalities between the different regions of Morocco.

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