The sports world is becoming increasingly colorful. More and more Moroccans, Surinamese, Turks and other newcomers are finding their way to the many sports clubs, schools and institutions in Europe. Yet it is striking that immigrants still participate much less in sports than natives and that the turnover among immigrant members of sports clubs is quite high. Immigrants are already completely underrepresented in sports. The integration of immigrants in sports, just like in the rest of society, is not a self-evident matter. By paying extra attention to the integration of immigrants into sports, integration can be promoted and problems can be prevented. For this reason, AtlasBridges has created a theme program about sports and immigrants.
In the last decade, sport and exercise have been embraced as a catalyst in policy themes such as health, prevention, quality of life, integration and neighborhood approach. This development has not left the sport untouched. Sports and youth policy have nevertheless remained two relatively separate circuits. Now that municipalities will take control of the youth system on January 1, 2015, the time seems right to take advantage of the opportunities and possibilities that club sports have.
Most status holders who come to live in the municipality have great resilience. They are relatively young and motivated to actively participate in Dutch society. However, a number of health risks are known, such as substance use and an increased risk of diabetes and other chronic conditions. The health of status holders is not a given, but can be positively influenced by focusing on prevention in a broad sense. Quickly guiding people, providing information, early detection, accessible facilities and good care help them maintain good health. Having a meaningful daytime activity such as work, education or other forms of participation also has a major influence on health. Just like with other residents, attention to a healthy lifestyle is also important to prevent health complaints and health inequalities in the (longer) term. Focusing on prevention can reduce care and support costs, the use of social assistance and other municipal facilities in this sense. Above all, health has a positive influence on the social participation and integration of status holders. Many municipalities therefore invest in a healthy lifestyle with a view to vital and active citizens.
There are specific health risks for refugees in the Netherlands. A number of common health problems are explained in more detail below. The various lifestyle aspects and health skills that play a role in these health risks are also discussed. 2.1 Health risks and disease Overweight and obesity Refugees are more likely to be overweight. There is a direct relationship with unhealthy eating habits, poor command of the Dutch language, lack of meaningful daily activities and inactivity. Before the conflict, the number of obese people in Syria was higher than in the Netherlands: 23.5% versus 19.8%. Overweight and obesity are not very common in Eritrea, the number of people who suffer from this is considerably lower, namely 4.1%. However, this group is on average less educated and that poses additional health risks. Moreover, there is a risk that these newcomers will adopt the unhealthy aspects of the Western lifestyle. This makes them more likely to develop obesity. Overweight and obese people have an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease or other chronic conditions.
There are specific health risks for refugees in the Netherlands. A number of common health problems are explained in more detail below. The various lifestyle aspects and health skills that play a role in these health risks are also discussed.
Just as with other residents, there are major differences in lifestyle between groups and individuals among status holders. Below are a number of lifestyle issues that we can use in the development or implementation of (local) health interventions or policies. Nutrition Among the current larger groups of status holders in the Netherlands, we often see unhealthy and one-sided eating among both Eritreans and Syrians. The importance of a varied and healthy diet is not on everyone's mind. Among Eritreans we often see a lot of monotonous and vitamin-poor food and therefore a shortage of essential nutrients. Many of them are not well informed about nutritional advice. Syrians usually eat a lot of meat, fatty and sweet products. In the Netherlands, purchasing healthy food products is also difficult for many status holders, partly due to the language barrier, unfamiliarity with the nutritional value of products and their preparation methods. Children's stress can also lead to more and unhealthy eating.
Children of Status holders exercise less than the average Dutch children. Previous refugee groups were twice as likely to have insufficient (healthy) exercise. Club sports are often an unknown phenomenon for them. For many status holders, developing a physically active lifestyle is not self-evident. In Syria, Iran and Iraq, significantly less physical education is provided in schools compared to the Netherlands. As a result, there is often a lack of knowledge about why exercise is important. Children often start playing sports, but after a few weeks they stop. On the one hand this has to do with discipline, on the other hand with a form of 'status'. In these countries it is not common to cycle, run on the street or play sports in clubs. It is even more sensitive for girls from these countries. Cultural rules can also hinder exercise. Exercising or cycling is common in Eritrea. Popular sports include running, cycling and football. A game of football is often played among themselves. When you come to live in the Netherlands, unfamiliarity with certain exercise activities in the area and the costs involved can be an obstacle to actually starting to exercise.
Some of the parents of status holders have limited health skills, partly as a result of their low level of education.
The sub-agreement 'Inclusive sports and exercise' of the National Sports Agreement is about ensuring that everyone in the Netherlands, regardless of age, gender, income or ethnic background, can participate with pleasure and make their own sports choices.
The participation of girls with a non-Western migration background is relatively low. For example, 40 percent of girls with a non-Western migration background are members of a sports club, compared to 65 percent of boys with a non-Western migration background and three quarters of boys and girls without a migration background.
This fact sheet maps out the factors that influence the sports and exercise participation of teenage girls with status holders.
Based on interviews with youth and sports professionals, four factors were distinguished that influence the sports and exercise participation of status holders and newcomer teenage girls:
The results can be supportive in formulating inclusive sports and exercise policies aimed at increasing the accessibility of sports and exercise for teenage girls with a non-Western migration background.
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