De Marokkaans-Nederlandse gemeenschap is qua omvang, na de gemeenschap van Nederlanders zonder een migratieachtergrond en de Turks-Nederlandse gemeenschap, de grootste gemeenschap van Nederland. Volgens het CBS wonen er in 2022 in Nederland 421.026 Marokkanen, waarvan iets meer van de tweede generatie dan van de eerste generatie. Een deel van de Marokkaanse Nederlanders spreken van huis uit een van de Berbertalen en dialecten. Een ander deel spreekt van huis uit Marokkaans-Arabisch. De jongere generatie spreekt onderling vaak Nederlands.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
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